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Third Taxing District

2 Second Street
Norwalk, CT 06855

When Thomas Forbes purchased the longstanding Mulqueen & Mitchell back in 2012, he had a vision to forge a new, dealer-level quality facility from the family owned and operated independent automotive repair shop, and renamed it Auto Repair Specialists, Inc. David Mitchell, an original owner, continues as part of the expert automotive repair team.

“It’s not just about repairing or maintaining automobiles — for us it’s more about servicing our community,” says Tom.

Auto Repair Specialists (“ARS”) includes attention to the environment, recycling all used fluid and participates in the city’s program of commitment to electricity conservation through high-efficiency equipment and LED lighting throughout the shop. ARS volunteers countless hours and resources to the Norwalk Public School System. ”We can’t stress enough how important it is to give back to the community which we are part of,” says Tom.

Left to right: ASE Certified Master Technicians David Beguhn, Steven Burr and Tom Forbes, Owner (also a CT State Emission Certified Technician)

Visit Automotive Repair Specialists, Inc.
57 Van Zant St., East Norwalk, CT 06855
Monday to Friday, 8am-5:30pm
