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Third Taxing District

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Norwalk, CT 06855

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Because we care,

we would like to offer you a gentle reminder.

If your bill is past due, we encourage you to contact the office to make a payment arrangement.

Thank you.



Because we care,

we would like to offer you a gentle reminder.

If your bill is past due, we encourage you to contact the office to make a payment arrangement.

Thank you.


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Back-To-School Electricity Safety Tips!

Back-To-School Electricity Safety Tips!

Good day! ~ Let’s Shock-Proof Your Adventures:Let’s Dive into some Electricity Safety Tips!Water and electricity do not mix!(except a plug!)drive very slowly near our linemen and their trucks‘Till next time! – Kevin Kilowatt Parents: share these tips with your...

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Energy Assistance Benefits for Seniors

Energy Assistance Benefits for Seniors

CARING.COM has developed a comprehensive guide that outlines and compares three government-funded programs: the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), and the Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP). Their...

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BLT Deli ~ A Local Favorite

BLT Deli ~ A Local Favorite

BLT DELI was founded with love, pride and commitment to their customers. While there are a ton of places to grab a quick bite to eat in the area, at BLT Deli you can be sure you’re getting a satisfying, homemade meal. FAMILY RUN BLT Deli is a labor of love. And...

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What’s In a Bucket Truck?

What’s In a Bucket Truck?

Hi, everyone! It’s Kevin Kilowatt! In this issue of TTD’s “Connections” newsletter, I’m going to show you...what’s in a Bucket Truck!There’s a lot of what goes into helping to ensure our linemen — and your home —are kept safe, and your home’s electricity remains on...

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Here are some winter safety tips!

Here are some winter safety tips!

Winter brings colder temperatures, and it's important to ensure the safety of kids when it comes to electricity use during this season. Here are some winter electricity safety tips for kids:Teach children not to overload electrical outlets with too many devices or...

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Small Business Energy Savings Program

Small Business Energy Savings Program

Save Energy and Money while improving the comfort of your business. The Small Business Energy Savings Program assesses your energy use and even provideson-the-spot service for instant savings. It’s a FREE service for all qualifying Third Taxing District small business...

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ENNA 2024 Shredding Event

Join the East Norwalk Neighborhood Association As We Host Our Fifth Annual 06855 Community Shredder EventSaturday, April 20, 20249AM-11AMEast Norwalk Library parking lot51 Van Zant Street*FREE for East Norwalk residents! Bring up to three paper bags or banker boxes of...

Annual Ratepayer Meeting 2024

Annual Ratepayer MeetingWednesdayMarch 6, 2024 • 7PMNorwalk Inn & Conference Center99 East AvenueNorwalk, CT 06851All registered voters of the Third Taxing District are invited to attend the Annual TTD Ratepayer Meeting for the purpose of...

TTD Food & Toy Drive thru Dec 15!

Through December 15th your gift of a non-perishable food item or a new, unwrapped toy will go a long way to brighten the holiday for those in need. Please drop them off at our 2 Second Street office during normal business hours. Thank you! TTD

Summer 2023 Community Business Updates

Norwalk Pizza & PastaThe already popular Norwalk Pizza & Pasta “@the 55†has turned a corner, quite literally! They moved to 13 Winfield Street (next to Don Carmelo’s), and have an upgraded look and menu, and...

TTD Summer Concerts of ’23

TTD SUMMER CONCERTS WERE HOT!Another fine summer of amazing music and talents graced our stage this year at Calf Pasture Beach.With six concerts planned, and one rain-out , the Green was no stranger to dancing and jiving tothe rock, jazz, big band, Motown classics and...

Summer Series Wellness Event

Hosted by your wellness guide Jackie DeLise, CMMI, CMWI Friday, August 11th, 2023andMonday, September 4th, 2023, 6:30-7:30pm at Edgewater Park Edgewater Park is located just behind the Third Taxing District building, on Edgewater Place.Bring a lawn chair, blanket or...

TTD Business Pick: Sweet Ashley’s Ice Cream Shoppe

How Sweet it is! Stephen Tyminski, founder of Sweet Ashley’s Ice Cream, on the corner of East Ave. and Van Zant St., named the place after his first daughter when she was just one. That was over 30 years ago, and he’s been making ice cream here ever since. Even before...

Spring & Summer Energy Saving Tips

Use Your Windows to Keep Out Heat Install window coverings to prevent heat gain through your windows during the day.   Operate Your Thermostat Efficiently Set your thermostat at a temperature you find comfortable and that provides humidity control, if needed. The...

Win a tree, plant a smile.

TTD’s FREE Tree Lottery Returns This Spring Yes, it’s back! Again this year, TTD offers trees to homeowners in East Norwalk for FREE. With a grant to Norwalk Tree Alliance, TTD will provide trees at no cost to homeowners – for the tree and for planting it. Our goal is...