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Third Taxing District

2 Second Street
Norwalk, CT 06855

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Third Taxing District Construction Updates

Throughout the year, TTD is involved in various construction projects throughout the district – from upgrading equipment to ongoing maintenance – focused on maintaining a safe and reliable system. You may encounter periodic delays traveling through impacted areas and we appreciate your patience and cooperations.

If at any time you have concerns, please feel free to contact us at 203-866-9271.


Office Renovations

TTD office renovations include improvements to accessibility, infrastructure (HVAC) and the addition of a new private customer service area. Work is expected to be completed October 2016.

Fuel Tank Replacement

TTD recently replaced two old fuel tanks, located underground the parking lot near the garages at 2 Second Street. One new tank replaced the two 29 year old tanks.

Seawall Repair

TTD has made repairs to the crumbling seawall behind/adjacent to the TTD office building. These repairs were necessary to prevent further/extensive damage to the surrounding area.

Pequot Drive

Construction will begin in the Pequot neighborhood to install new transformers and service drops to residents’ homes. TTD will notify the approximately 15 customers who will be affected by the project. Letters will be mailed out in the coming weeks.

Walk Bridge Program

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing construction activities, as part of the Fender Repair Project, expected to take place in the vicinity of the Walk Bridge on August 1 through August 4, 2016.

Read more about the project in Walk Bridge Construction Updates.

East Norwalk Association Library – Parking Lot and Sidewalk Construction

TTD has contracted to have the entire Library property sidewalk rebuilt and the parking lot reconfigured including striping. Work will begin in a few weeks.

The new traffic flow will be one way in from the further lot and exit only from the near lot. Appropriate “Enter” and “Do Not Enter” signage is included.

You can download a PDF of the reconfiguration as designed by the contractor. This plan had to pass State approval prior to its start since Van Zant Street is a State Road.

There may be some inconvenience to Library patrons during construction however, the work is expected to be completed as quickly as possible.

Additionally, work to repair and refurbish the Library front, including pillars, steps, railings, and facade will begin soon after completion of the parking lot.

Fitch Street Substation

TTD has completed the replacement of circuit switches at the Fitch Street Substation. The original switches were part of a manufacturer’s recall that was issued for low temperatures. Although it was considered “borderline” for this area, TTD took the position of better safe than sorry and moved forward with the replacement. The project took four days and was completed without any service interruption to the rate payers.

ConnDOT Alerts

5-3-16: Rehabilitation of Bridge Number 04048, Wall Street over Metro North Railroad in Norwalk

The project will be constructed from May 4, 2016, to November, 2016. Night work will be utilized to facilitate traffic flow on the Metro North Railroad line, below. During construction pedestrian access will be maintained and detour routes will be signed. Some metered parking will be temporarily removed from service and use of the Yankee Doodle Garage is encouraged.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website: http://www.ct.gov/dot/cwp/view.asp?a=2135&Q=579886


East Avenue Transformer Replacement

On April 25-27, 2015, TTD completed the replacement of the 5 MVA Power Transformer on East Avenue with a new 10 MVA Power Transformer.